Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naveed Babur
Dean – Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
Superior University, Lahore
Esteemed Colleagues and Delegates
It is with great honour and anticipation that I welcome you to the 2nd International Rehabilitation and Allied Health Sciences Conference (RASCON – 24). As the Chairman, I am delighted to see such a vibrant gathering of rehabilitation and allied health professionals committed to transforming healthcare services and industry in this hyper connected digital age.
Our theme, “Revolutionising Healthcare Services and Industry in a Hyper connected World by Navigating the Digital Ecosystem,” is not just a vision, it’s a call to action. The Pearl Continental Hotel in Lahore is all set to become a beacon of knowledge, research and innovation from the 1st to the 3rd of March 2024, as we embark on this journey together.
With over 5,000 national and international delegates, RASCON-24 is more than a conference; it is a movement. A movement that will propel forward-thinking dialogue, collaborative breakthroughs, and evidence-based practices that will shape the future of rehabilitation and allied healthcare sectors. The exchange of knowledge over these three days will lay the groundwork for a more inclusive, efficient, and effective healthcare landscape, the very values on which this conference was founded.
I am confident that the proceedings of RASCON-24 will echo far beyond the confines of our venue, inspiring change and igniting the passion for excellence in rehabilitation and allied healthcare services across the globe. Let us embrace this opportunity to learn, share, and lead, and together, we can redefine the boundaries of what is possible in the field of rehabilitation and allied healthcare.